The Greensboro History Museum, an American Alliance of Museums-accredited Smithsonian Affiliate, is a division of the City of Greensboro Library Department and operates as a public-private partnership with the nonprofit GHM Inc.
Together with our diverse communities, the Greensboro History Museum collects objects and stories, connects generations, and challenges people to explore our city’s past, present and future.
The Museum sparks wonder through bold exhibitions and creative public programs. We nurture civic engagement and lifelong learning. We encourage dialogue, and we care for all that is entrusted to us.
- Discover our museum site, with a historic cemetery and buildings dating back to the 1700s
- Discover our 17,000 square feet of exhibitions about the history of our city and beyond
- Discover our museum collections, with more than 30,000 objects collected over nearly a century
- Discover our museum archives, with over half a million photos, manuscripts, documents and more
- Discover our museum educational activities and resources, from podcasts to specialized tours
- Discover our free educational programs and fun events
Click here to learn how you can support Greensboro History Museum’s mission
Download GHM Inc. 990 – 2023 (PDF)