Accepting nominations through October 15
Nominations are being accepted now through October 15 for the Greensboro History Museum’s prestigious Voices of a City Award for 2024. The award recognizes significant and original contributions to local history. Nominations for both individuals and organizations will be accepted and self-nominations are welcome. Submissions by or for high school and college students will be judged in a separate category.
Projects can be as varied as our city, including oral history, photography, film, published articles, books, student research papers, film and electronic media. Collectors of historical documents or artifacts are also eligible. Previous winners include the J.C. Price School Project, historians Gayle Hicks Fripp and Scott Culclasure, journalist Jim Schlosser, the Guilford County Community Remembrance Project Coalition, the Friends of Green Hill Cemetery, the Ever-Achievers Teachers Club, and William Moss (Carolina Field of Honor). The 2023 winners were preservationist Dr. Tom Sears and the Black Lives Matter Triad Collection at UNCG Libraries.
Nominations should include a letter and at least one example of work for consideration, provided in either hard copy (articles or book), CD/DVD or digital format. For digital content, please share website or a Google Drive or Dropbox link, or mail in a USB thumb drive to the address below. Submissions will be evaluated by the Greensboro History Museum, Inc. Community Engagement Committee and its Advisory Board. Award criteria include project originality and significance; innovation; quality of research within current academic scholarship; sources consulted; and accessibility of material to the local community and beyond.
Nominations for the Voices of a City Award will be accepted from now until October 15.
The award presentation will be made at the GHM Inc. Annual Dinner on November 21. “There are many individuals and organizations working on behalf of local history in the area, and we encourage all to submit nominations for this significant recognition,” says Museum Director Carol Ghiorsi Hart.
Send submissions to:
Voices of a City Award
Greensboro History Museum
130 Summit Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27401
For questions, contact Museum Director Carol Ghiorsi Hart at or call 336-373-2306