The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) is a Federal law passed in 1990. NAGPRA is a process for museums and Federal agencies to return certain Native American cultural items – including human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony – to tribal groups, lineal descendants, and Native Hawaiian organizations. This return process is called repatriation, and it is a very important act for both tribal groups and museums.

Museums like the Greensboro History Museum must comply with NAGPRA. When collections staff were conducting an inventory of the Native American collection, they found objects that fall under NAGPRA regulations in the display cases and in storage. Staff removed the objects from display until we can speak to the tribal groups they represent to make sure that it is okay that the museum has the objects and that we are displaying them properly.

If you have more questions about NAGPRA, please contact Ayla Amon, Curator of Collections, at or (336) 373-4589. For any press inquiries, please contact Carol Hart, Museum Director, at or (336) 373-2306.

Learn more about NAGPRA at the National Park Service website

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